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  • Team Costa Rica

¡Sí te puedes!

This past year we've endured lockdowns, toilet paper shortages, online work, school, weddings, graduations, and social events. No one of us could have expected this global crisis, and COVID-19 truly shook and humbled our country and the world. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that COVID-19 has put added restrictions and challenges on some many things in our daily lives, and our project to renovate the soccer field in Lorena village is no exception. Nevertheless, our 2020-21 team is committed to seeing this project through, no matter what mayhem COVID-19 might throw our way.

As I'm sure you already saw on our website, we have some new faces to take the lead on project Costa Rica this year! We are so grateful for all the work last year's cohort did so that the transition is seamless, and we owe them our sincerest gratitude for how well they managed the project and communications with our NGO and advisors.

You can look at our updated website under "TEAM" to meet our all-girls 2020-21 cohort! This year, we are lead by project manager, Anuhya Mandadi, and she has been tirelessly working to make sure all of our deadlines are met and our Zoom meetings are run efficiently. While meeting on Zoom has been challenging, but we are making the best of it, and even got to have a watch party of a documentary about Costa Rica on Netflix. When I reflect on this semester, I think of the Spanish phrase, "¡Sí te puedes!" which means, "You can do it!". This has become a mantra because this semester, our to-do list was longer than a CVS receipt, and with everything being virtual, it's admittedly been hard to stay determined and focused. Our goals were to revisit all the plans last year's team made and find ways we can refine them or add onto them. We also wanted to prioritize what the Lorena Village community wants and needs, and continually chat with Jonle, our wonderful NGO contact, and patiently listen to how these needs and desires might've changed with COVID. We've had to continually keep up with news related to COVID both domestically and in Costa Rica, and create a budget plan for several COVID contingent scenario. We wanted to fundraise an additional $7,000 for the adjustments we wanted to make for the soccer field, and thanks to you and your generous donations, we just reached this goal! It's been a busy semester full of long meetings, zoom fatigue, but we are proud of the hard work each team member has put in, and we are striving for excellence so that the Lorena Village community receives the soccer field they deserve.

We look forward to updating you all more as we move forward with more solidified plans and as we learn more about the possibility of travel and in-person implementation.

Thank you for your unwavering support in uncertain times!

Gracias y ¡Pura vida!

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